Friday, May 23, 2014

The "Generation We Are" Project

If you have been born, there is a seeming need to define you by your generation.  We've seen the "Greatest Generation"- generally turn of the twentieth century to roughly 1949.  These are the people who lived through WWI and WWII and the Great Depression.  Tom Brokaw wrote two wonderful books about this generation- "The Greatest Generation" and "The Greatest Generation Speaks".

Fannie Flagg has written several books that directly speak to this generation and speak as well to the the bridge between this generation and the next- the Baby Boomers.

Boomers went to Vietnam and protested it.  They wrote the anti-war songs, protested, sat in, and dropped out.  They marched and some left the US for Canada or any friendly shore that would hide them from a draft to a war that wasn't a war but a Police Action.

In the middle was a blending.  We called it the Korean War but it also was never a war.  It too was a Police Action.

We left Vietnam in 1975 (considered to be the end of the Vietnam War).  The next declaration of war wouldn't happen until Iraq invaded Kuwait.  Desert Shield and Desert Storm.  In it's way, this marked the beginning of actions based on terrorist acts that would be outwardly called terrorist acts.

It is said that the end of the Baby Boom generation was 1964.  The next generation was called Gen X, followed by the Millennials.

What I am interested in are the stories of these generations.  From the Boomers- I am one- to present day.  Tell me YOUR story.  What has your life been like, what were the influences, what shapes your thinking?

I'm a Boomer with ADHD.  I fight with my brain on a daily basis- and know it.  That said, I can speak to how I got this way- how I both chose the morals and values of my parents and how I chose to reject what I found to be unworkable.

My sisters are Boomers and Gen X.  I see a difference in how we think- regardless of being raised by two of the Greatest Generation.  Somehow, we are influenced by something.

I'm collecting stories.  I want to hear yours.

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