Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Detritus of an ADHD Life

In case anyone has wondered, I am not Mrs. Immaculate.  I'm not even Nancy Neat.  I'm Tricia the Tornado.

My poor husband never understood this.  I need to SEE stuff in order to deal with it.  If I shove it all into places it can't be seen, I lose everything.  He, on the other hand, needed everything to be tucked away in closets and drawers in order to be happy.


I discovered how pervasive this problem is in a bizarre way.

I live with two elderly cats.  This means that I feed cats and I clean a cat box.  And here is where the problem begins.

I thought I was being brilliant when I bought a bin to store cat litter... until I had to fill said bin.  I can't lift most of the cat litter bins that are sold.  Instead of getting rid of the bin when I discovered it wouldn't work for me, I left it in the misguided hope that I would adapt.  After 50-odd years, you would think I would know better.

When I recently went to scoop the box I discovered that I was out of litter.  How can this be?  I have this huge bin!  that I could not fill but never made go away.


My emergency litter stash came in handy... while I forgot to buy litter for the next three days.  My cats are not happy with me.

While this crisis of waste was unfolding, a different problem was happening in the pantry.

I do grocery shopping every week- ish.  The staple on my list is dry cat food.  I know what they like and I go there to buy it.  What I never do is remember that I already have three bags of it.


I know.  A list would alleviate some of this.  Unless you happen to live with my ADHD brain.  Lists are an anathema to me.  I make them, I take them, and I forget things regardless.  In response, I have learned to hate lists.

I need to find a better way to manage.  I also need to be nicer to myself when I run out of kitty litter and places to put the bags of food I constantly buy but won't need until next month.  At least.

I understand the nature of the problem.  Still trying to figure out how to deal with it.


1 comment:

  1. = auto ship. Some things you know you need x pounds a month.

    Now with that profound recommendation, I am going to sleep! .
