Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Yeah, not so impressive.  I get it.

I set this up so that I would have a place to talk about living with ADHD from the perspective of a 50-something whose diagnosis came 45+ years ago.  I keep hearing that I have valuable information to share.  I only hope that readers are willing to sift through the detritus until they find useful information.  I also hope that I have useful information.

So a bit about me.  I'm over 50, I have ADHD, I was widowed in 2010.  I had a childhood, an adolescence, an adulthood.  I've had careers and have hobbies.  I fight demons and sometimes I win.  I'm Catholic and I'm conservative.  I expect that of me.  I don't expect that of you.

Now you know as much as I tell anyone.  When we know each other better, perhaps I will tell you more.

So why am I doing this?  Because I want to say things and the Interweb is a great place to say things.  For now, that's enough.

Do I think I will set the world on fire?  Not really.  If you are open to following my meanderings, you may read things that make you think, challenge your preconceptions, or make you chuckle a bit.

I'm here yelling because I want a voice.  Now I have one.


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