Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Celebrating National Honesty Day- ADHDer Style

I thought it only right and reasonable that I celebrate National Honesty Day as only an ADHDer can.  This basically means that you may or may not be offended and I will stand on my First Amendment right to speak my mind... and do so in ALL honesty.

To begin- caterwauling does not equal music.  And stripping does not equal edgy.  And being paid obnoxious amounts of money to prance about on stage like a git does not confer wisdom.  Just being honest here, I'll bet you know who I'm referring to.

While I'm on the subject, doing things that only serve to shock with the only purpose being to shock is no longer avant garde.  And incidentally?  That tattoo of a male sexual organ down your nose might seem like a great idea in your late teens or twenties, but isn't going to be helpful as you go on in life.  Ditto to tattooing "murder" on your neck.  Just sayin.

This honesty thing is getting to be fun!

While I'm at it, can we quit with the ad hominem attacks?  When my opinions- no matter how deeply held or honestly believed- insure that I am open to personal ridicule or worse, my First Amendment rights are violated.  Disagree all you want but bring a well reasoned argument to the party or choose not to play.  In return, I'll quit calling YOU ugly names when I disagree with you.

This is SO refreshing!

ADHDers learn early on to find ways to answer the unanswerable.  "Why did you do that?"  The truth may sound like "I don't know", but that is rarely a reasonable answer.  What happens next?  The ADHDer makes something up and prays for plausibility.

The other thing that happens to ADHDers is that they believe that they have done something.  "Put this in the mail for me."  Simple request, right?  The problem is that the ADHDer looks at the thing and visualizes going to the mailbox and putting the envelope in.  They think about when they will be at the mailbox and they carefully place the envelope where it won't be forgotten.  Guess what happens next?

Three days later I've not only forgotten to place the envelope in the mailbox, I don't remember where it is.  I've taken it to the mailbox so many times in my mind that I'm pretty darn certain that I took it there. Except I didn't.  Don't laugh- it has happened to me.  Try explaining that to your NT spouse.  Good luck with all that.

"Why did you do that?"  I don't remember doing that and unless you are waiting with photographic evidence to the contrary, I will deny doing that.  It isn't part of my memory so it never happened and it will take a ton of evidence to convince me... even if I immediately apologize while building resentment about the whole thing.

God help you if you discover later that I DIDN'T do whatever.  The resentment train is already building steam.

"So-and-so says they never said whatever."  But I distinctly heard it.  I know I did.  It was so heavily implied in the conversation, they MUST have said it.  Regardless, it is now a part of my personal reality.

ADHDers are frequently accused of lying to everyone about everything.  As an ADHDer, I can say in all honesty that every word I have said here is true... to the best of my knowledge.